WIN Norway celebrates 10 years!

20 October, 2022

WIN Norway welcome you to Fredheim Arena to celebrate 10th Anniversary Saturday 22nd October 2022, 13:00.

Join us in celebrating with thanksgiving.
Many of us keep on asking and we seek for answers. . . this year, let us discover and know the God who answers.

Guest Speaker – Ptr. Edwin Hernandez, Senior Pastor WCF, New Jersey, USA

Pastor Edwin’s vision is to see the Filipino overseas workers and migrants recognize their unique opportunities and be mobilized for God’s glory among the nations.

An engineer by education and profession, he resigned from his job in 1999 to pastor a church in the Philippines. Pastor Edwin completed his Masters in Divinity at the Asian Seminary of Christian Ministries ( in Manila, Philippines in 2004.

In 2006, he was sent to Singapore where he trained ministry leaders and coordinated efforts to plant churches in Asia and Oceania. He came to the US in 2013 to pastor a church in Hopewell, New Jersey ( where he brings the same vision.

He is also an instructor of Word International School of Leadership (WISL), a training institute registered in New York that equips lay leaders in biblical studies (

He also teaches in Perspectives USA (, a missions education course mobilizing churches in frontier missions. He is married to Marita and they have 3 children. Their eldest, Kathleen, was married last October 2021, Koleen will be married this coming April in San Francisco and Caleb who’s still finishing his degree in Engineering.

Are you seeking for answers? – Let us find answers together!

Where can I find the truth? Why am I here? Why did Jesus die on the cross? What does the cross mean to me? Is there eternity? Does God Love me? Do I own my faith? Can I trust the Bible? How do biblical texts apply to modern society? Why does God allow bad things to happen? How does free will affect my faith? What makes Christianity different than any other religion? What is the point of following Christ? How has my faith been influenced?

Jeremiah 33:2-3

“This is what the Lord says, he who made the earth, the Lord who formed it and established it – the Lord is his name: ‘Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great unsearchable things you do not know’ ”.

Go to Upcoming Events for upcoming Online Meetings and follow us on Instagram and Facebook for updates.

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