WIN Norway welcomes you back at Madla Forsamlingshus, for our Sunday services and fellowship from July 2021. With grateful hearts, let us gather together to praise and worship our Lord and encourage one another.
Please note of the following changes and improvements to look forward to…
Service starts earlier at 12 noon. So we have more time to re-connect and have fellowship afterwards!
On line service via zoom is still available. For our friends and families from outside Stavanger, Norway, who have been attending our Sunday zoom gathering, you will still be able to join us via zoom (See link ).
We now have a fully functioning Toddler room in the main hall. Welcome to all families with children of all ages. The time was spent wisely while waiting on the opening of the church, a toddler room was built for children ages 1-5. The room is connected to the main hall allowing the parents to be with their children while taking part in Sunday worship services. The toddler room is equipped with toys and safety mats. Children above 5 years old it will continue to learn from Sunday School downstairs.
Important Reminders!
As the government regulations are allowing us to meet physically, we still need to be mindful and consider the health and safety of one another. We still emphasize good hygiene and use of hand disinfectants. You may wear face masks if you want to and please stay at home and join the on line service via zoom if you are not feeling well.
Colossians 3:16
“Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God.”
Toddler room Toddler room
Go to Upcoming Events for upcoming Online Meetings and follow us on Instagram and Facebook for updates.